Build your professional resume yourself

Resume tips all summed up here

Never build your resume from any professional because that’s not worth it. Resume write-up is not art kind of a thing however just a first impression of any candidate. I am not saying you can write it in a jiffy however when writing it yourself, you are more confident about it and half of the homework is done. Recruiters tend to ask questions from the resume and while writing it, you would already know the basics. So, answers would be impressive and more relevant that way. Sounds logical enough!
Give ample time to this and negligence on this part could be expensive. I remember one of my senior got rejected after clearing all the interview rounds and at the time of documents verification, recruiter got to know he copied the whole resume but forgot to change the address. It was a big MNC on-campus placement.
Build up an attitude and objective both.
Every time you head up for an interview, you may need to change the resume a little bit.
For instance, you are a marketing guy and got an opportunity in digital marketing, so, you will more emphasize on your digital achievements and others could take a back seat and vice versa.

  Word or PDF  

Prefer MsWord however if you like the look and feel of PDF document, here is the difference between the two. 
If you are sending it directly to the HR manager via -mail, you could choose any however if you are uploading it to the website or job sites, always upload a word document. 

The reason is the software that most of the recruiters use is based on keyword picking system and they might have difficulties searching through PDF document like those who are using the older version.
Start with word document and save copies, PDF, and word both. 

You may convert your word document into pdf through these sites- and

  Start with your name – Center position and make it bold  

When recruiters are shortlisting the resume, do they even give a damn look at your name? No! They scroll down and check out the skills and education and whatever their priority is. 
So, make a good move and show up being bold and confident. You only bold something that is important and this time, it’s you. Sometimes common human behavioral techniques work! (I think they work all the time). Next…


{ Area, City | e-mail address | phone number }

Do not write the whole address with a pin code. This is needed to check if your profile comes under their hiring zone or not.
E-mail address should be professional not like ‘’

  Now comes the tricky part – Career Profile  

Make sure that you write it yourself and do not copy paste from anywhere. Below is one sample, word limit and bullet points that you must add-

  • Start with something relevant to the job profile you are seeking. For instance, I am a computer science graduate and going to a technical, semi-technical process. It should start with –
“A computer science graduate with 3 years of experience in Fortune-500 organization,”

Otherwise, if you do not want to emphasize on the education front of yours, you should start with what was your previous experience. Like-

A seasoned customer service professional who believes in exceeding expectations and building relations”…and so on

That is how you start..and Next-

  • Boast one or two of your major achievements of current or previous employer i.e. important one and of course relevant. The achievement could be any like award, learning or position hike.
  • Last part is what you likely to achieve with your next big role. (recruiter will get to know your requirements for a particular job)
“With proven proficiency in different skills, I am seeking a career position to further develop my expertise in…”

 50-70 words limit
 Enhancing words like seasoned professional, proven efficiency like this should be used
 Like above, it is divided into 3 parts- introduction, achievements and future goal

That’s how you complete your profile.

  Skills – do not overdo it  

Write in bullet points and right-hand side would consist of the no. of years/months you have spent on a particular skill. 

A basic example would be when we write MS Office as one of the skills which are not appropriate at all. If you want to write it, give a 2-3 word brief about what you know. And do not write MS-Office, write a specific Ms word or excel. And, then write ‘pivot table’ in front of it, so recruiter would know a little about your exposure to the skill. 

You need to be transparent enough.

  Professional Summary  

There is a lot to write but be creative and highlight what is important for your next big role.

Here is the hierarchy-

 Organization name on the left-hand side and duration at the right
 Brief about your organization or the project in 15-20 words limit like one-liner
 Title and if it has been changing, highlight that part(it comes as your achievement). Do not just write the current title.
 Responsibilities: in bullet points
 Training if any (this is a positive sign that you are always up for learning). Write the year of imparting the training. That means throughout your tenure, you have engaged yourself in improvement no matter at what position you are.

  Internship during college end sem or in-between  

This part builds a strong impression of yours as a positive and serious candidate. I am not focusing on learning and only learning but no strike a good balance between learning and responsibilities and show it on your resume. Let me say it in layman terms – you are selling yourself in a best possible way.


Starting from the recent one go on till 3. That’s it, you need to write only 3 recent educations. 
It could be in a table format but make sure you maintain the look and feel of the whole document as one goal.
Formats, symbols, and bullets contribute a lot to it.

  Personal summary – this is optional  

 What it should include and what not-

 Marital status and Family- if you think it as a positive sign like mentioning you are single could land you a job with odd hours, you may include this point and otherwise not.
 Date of Birth-age discrimination is illegal in recruitment process so, it is up to you.
 Nationality -No need if you are native or have a working visa

Now, this is all about a professional resume you need for your next big role.

Sending the resume via e-mail

Naming convention that is to used is - Firstname_Lastname_Resume.docx or Resume_Fisrtname_Lastname.docx


Some general points to remember-

maintain the symmetry when using table formats and bullets and lines
justify the content
do not try to use symbols: printouts will not show their correct placements most of the time.
maintain the hierarchy described above
 font style - Times New Roman or Arial & font size - 12

Let me know if you have any queries regarding resume and I will definitely answer.

NEED SOME INTERVIEW TIPS to double your chances. Get it here.
